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Digital transformation is the deliberate, strategic, repositioning of one’s business in the digital economy.

A digital transformation consultant is an expert that helps a business understand its current ‘as-is’ position, a potential ’to-be’ position in the digital economy, and how to get there leveraging emerging technology.
Digital transformation consultants typically use the lens of emerging technology to advise in the area of data-enabled strategy, change management, digital communication, innovation leveraging technology, process reengineering in readiness for large scale automation using RPA and Machine Learning.
The purpose is ultimately to add value to customer interactions with the business as well as reduce operating costs.
Ionology is a digital transformation consultancy firm.
We work with mid-enterprise clients to help them:
Create winning transformation strategy
Build internal capability to enhance the transformation process
Execute upon their technology initiatives with pace
Many businesses get stuck in early stage ‘digitising’

The creation of digital systems and processes typically allows businesses to operate and match customer expectations. This is not, however, where the winners reside. The digital innovators identify a key market niche. The seek to leverage their existing assets and advantages to deliver new value to the customer that (if a commercial business) competitors find hard to replicate.
Those that have created a culture of innovation and perpetual change advance into business restructuring by way of complex automation.
At Ionology we recognise that businesses typically have digitised but are struggling to create new, sustaining competitive advantage.
We are experts at helping businesses move beyond ‘digitising’ and actually transform their business, people and success.
Owning a scalpel doesn’t make a surgeon. The same goes for digital transformation consulting. However, try to operate without some key tools and the outcome is bloody, messy and doesn’t achieve good outcomes for the patient.
At Ionology, we have created some of the worlds leading digital transformation tools. This training and consultancy toolkit is our own IP, crafted through years of research and honed by our experience – guiding our clients through their individual digital transformation journey.
The Ionology Digital Transformation Toolkit:
The accuracy and speed of execution of a digital transformation is fundamentally governed by the sophistication of the frameworks used in the planning. Commonly used are outdated, analogue frameworks such as SWOT analysis, 5 Forces, Business Model Canvas etc. While still popular in many ageing business consultancies more modern data driven insight and predictive modelling frameworks are displacing them.

For digital transformation consultancy, data-driven frameworks are used to spot now emerging opportunities, measure risk and execution performance. They make predictions of customer preferences and help formulate everything from value propositions to infrastructure requirements.
Ionology has created some of the world’s most advanced data-enabled digital transformation frameworks. It’s why our consultants create roadmaps with the greatest chance of success, that can be executed within the business capabilities of the business. All-to-often, strategic ambition is greater than resource. That doesn’t happen with Ionology led digital transformation initiatives.
People, not technology, transform a business. We leverage technology, it’s a critical tool, but that’s all it is, a tool. All businesses have access to the same technology. What differentiates the good from the great is the leadership mindset.
A pilot doesn’t need to understand how to change an oil filter in the jet engines of her plane. She does however, have to understand its business capabilities. Modern leaders are pilots for their organisations. Modern leaders will not be replaced by AI but business leaders that understand the business capabilities of AI will replace those that don’t. It’s simply unacceptable for business that’s going through digital transformation not to understand the impact emerging technology is likely to have on their capability of remaining relevant and optimised.
At Ionology we have a series of courses that builds the digital capabilities in leaders, managers and decision makers. These courses range from strategic planning using data to creating Environmental, Social & Governance policies leveraging emerging technology as well as digital innovation and emerging technology for non-technical leaders.


Can you measure the digital maturity of a business in under 60s with no questions asked? Yes, we believe you can.
Is it possible to define the digital readiness of a business by simply looking at its digital history? Yes, we believe it is.
Ionology has invented an amazing AI powered tool that looks at the digital footprint of a business. Successful digital innovators follow a particular pattern. They innovate, publish and create positive change in their industry.
Propulsion doesn’t examine the content of a corporate website, rather it examines the impact a business has had on the digital economy by examining and scoring many metrics. The score calculated is the fastest, and most accurate way of obtaining the ‘as-is’ position of a business in the digital economy. Try it for yourself. You’ll be amazed at its accuracy.