Use these quick links below to view the courses on offer for each target group:
What Is a Digital Transformation Course?
Digital transformation is the deliberate, strategic repositioning of one’s business in the digital economy. A digital transformation course teaches us how to combine technology, strategy and creative talent to enable business transformation. Courses cover the business capabilities of emerging technology, use data and frameworks to find new strategic competitive advantage and create new products, services and business models that add value to the customer.
Digital Transformation courses differ from traditional business transformation courses by virtue of their focus being much more heavily influenced by emerging technology such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Blockchain, Augmented and Virtual Reality, as well as having a radically different approach to innovation and business model creation.
What to Look for In a Digital Transformation Course
There are 7 critical topics that should be covered by those wanting to build a career in digital transformation. Understanding emerging technology is a profession, so too Human Resources, Strategic Leadership, Communications and Innovation Management. However, for a successful digital transformation professional, they should have a broad and reasonably deep understanding of all elements in this diagram.
Business leaders, managers and decision makers need to get into uncomfortable new areas of complexity in topics they would normally not have had to deal with in their career, in order to help deliver digital transformation.
The qualities and characteristics of traditional businesses that have digitally transformed is that their entire teams understand all elements listed. For example, a business leader will not have to understand how to implement Machine Learning but she will have to understand the business capabilities of the technology if she is to successfully leverage it in her strategic planning.
“Leaders may not be replaced by AI but leaders that understand AI will replace those that don’t.”

Digital Transformation Course for Career Climbers
A Digital Transformation Career Climber is an individual who is feeling the breath of change. They seek career enhancement. Often they want to reposition themselves within their business or find a new business that can enhance their career prospects.
A Career Climber typically pursues a branch of data science, leadership or innovation. As the diagram illustrates, digital transformation doesn’t come from simply knowing one of these topics – it’s an intersection of all three.
There are hundreds of digital transformation courses available for the Career Climber. Some courses are recorded and very low cost, others are live online and some, blended.
We’ve looked at the top 20 courses that appear in Google and selected our favourite courses plus a commentary of why we’ve liked their value proposition.

Digital Transformation Career Climbers |
Boston Consulting University of Virginia Coursera |
Cambridge University Judge Business School |
Berkley Executive Ed (Sold by EMERITUS) |
Course Name |
Digital Transformation |
Digital Disruption: Digital Transformation Strategies |
Digital Transformation: Leading People, Data & Technology |
Cost |
From $50pp |
$2000pp |
$2,600pp |
Time Needed |
2 Days |
10 Weeks (4-6 hours per week) |
2 months (4-6 hours per week) |
Level |
Basic – Designed for Beginners |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Positives | ✓ Delivered by a mix of practitioners and academics ✓ Multilingual ✓ BCG is a major international recognised consulting firm |
✓ Covers all 7 of the critical topics of digital transformation ✓ Prestigious UK university ✓ Good for experienced non-technical executives that need to implement transformation |
✓ Covers all 7 of the critical topics of digital transformation ✓ The most practical of the three choices listed ✓ Unique content with peer learning |
Negatives | ✕ Unlikely to give enough depth for practical implementation ✕ No frameworks ✕ No live interaction with teachers or groups ✕ Certification not particularly prestigious |
✕ Tired academic case studies (Netflix, Kodak etc) ✕ Frameworks are analogue, not data powered ✕ Talks a lot about platforms but appears to provide no practical experience of same ✕ Mostly recorded video lectures ✕ 4 x two hour live webinars with Q&A but no online classroom experience for peer |
✕ Certification counts as only two curriculum days toward a more robust BerkeleyHass qualification ✕ Digital transformation frameworks and models are old/analogue/subjective and not data powered ✕ All recorded video lectures ✕ Dubious claims regarding becoming a Digital Strategy Expert. |
Overall | ⭐️⭐️ Great for beginners on a budget that want a reasonable overview of the discipline |
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Good well rounded course. Case studies aimed squarely at large enterprise employees. Unique content and a well recognised Certificate. |
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Robust offering from a well recognised institution. Highlights the importance of people & data in the Dx process. Provides a comprehensive blended learning approach to include a final capstone project. |
Course link here | Course link here | Course link here |
None of these courses appear to offer any level of practical workshopping to understand the business capabilities of emerging technologies such as Machine Learning. This could be because the class sizes appear to be enormous and therefore unfeasible to conduct. However, understanding the basic operation of emerging technology is essential for digital transformation. This is why there is no 5-Star awards for this category.
Digital Transformation Course for Corporates

A Digital Transformation Course for Corporates typically seek to address the required mindset changes and practical implementation of digital transformation within a specific organisation.
The course is typically conducted live with the participants either on-line or in-house, although since the pandemic, online is much more the favoured choice.
The courses are often customized to match the business strategy. The focus is on getting groups to work together on their own business challenges. The outcomes should provide the teams with momentum so they can continue the transformation.
Those attending are typically Leaders, Managers and Decision makers. It is often the case that the top leadership don’t wish to sit through several days of education and therefore it’s common to have a ‘C-Suite overview’ module that takes a couple of hours and is held privately with the senior leadership team.
Digital Transformation Corporate Courses |
The Knowledge Academy | Ionology | |
Course Name |
Digital Transformation Certification |
Digital Transformation Certificate |
Digital Transformation in Business |
Cost |
$2,750pp |
$5,560pp |
$1,000pp |
Time Needed |
2 Days |
60 Days/2Hours p/week |
1, 3 & 6 Day Options |
Level |
Beginner |
Basic |
Intermediate |
Positives | ✓ Wide reaching audience that will appeal to many ✓ Comprehensive overview of key digital transformation topics ✓ Online and interactive delivery |
✓ One of the few academic institutions that offers a team enrolment ✓ Content aimed at teams and organisational cross collaboration using frameworks ✓ Broad overview of the basics of digital transformation from a prestigious institution |
✓ Delivered by digital transformation experts & practitioners via proprietary frameworks, tools & methods ✓ One of the few providers that clearly offer customised, live delivery for teams ✓ Ionology provide follow-up consultancy services to support the organisation in their digital transformation journey |
Negatives | ✕ Not specifically designed for teams ✕ Claims you will be ‘able to implement digital transformation’ after 2 days of education. This seems ambitious given the timeframe ✕ No mention of class size, or ability to tailor content to the audience ✕ Seems unnecessary to include ‘develop marketing strategy’ amidst a digital transformation 2 day course |
✕ Not specifically built for teams ✕ Pre-recorded videos and no customisation available ✕ Programme seeks to ‘instigate change’ but without an opportunity for feedback and a broad overview on multiple subjects, the lack of depth is unlikely to facilitate this claim |
✕ As courses are live, a degree of forward planning is needed by the organisation ✕ Not suitable for individuals or groups <6 ✕ Lacks the ‘certification prestige’ of academic institutions |
Overall |
⭐️⭐️⭐️ A good starting point from an Ivy League institute, offering a broad overview of Dx, but we would question one’s ability to implement learnings post completion, due to lack of interaction available.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ |
Course link here | Course link here | Course link here |
Whilst there are a wealth of academic providers offering digital transformation courses for ‘corporates’, the focus is still very much on the individual. We found it difficult to find details of courses that were easily accessible online and tailored for groups. If your goal is ‘chalk and talk’, with little need for interaction, again – the market is flooded with this option. However, if your organisation needs a cohesive training solution that’s tailored to your market, fits the needs of your people and ticks all the learning and development goals, Ionology is a front runner.
Digital Transformation Course for Government
In many regions of the world, digital transformation is now a legislative requirement. Some countries have given very specific direction as to what they consider ‘digitisation’ and what constitutes as ‘transformational’. Others have yet to catch up.
Transformation in the public sector is never easy. It’s often met with stiff resistance, political pressures and budget constraints. Without the profit motive, digital transformation courses must focus on a different set of values, use non-commercial frameworks and help public sector leaders build citizen centric business models that were often thought risky.
Cross-agency or ministry data sharing and collaboration is essential. Often overlooked is the motives as to why one department would share their data with another. If the data is wrong they get punished. If the data is accurate they get no reward. Building internal win/win coalitions changes the role of the leader, manager and decision maker in unimaginable ways.

Digital Transformation Government Courses |
Ionology | ||
Course Name |
Digital Transformation in Government: Innovating public Policy & Service |
Exploiting Disruption in a Digital World |
Digital Transformation Course for Government |
Cost |
$3,600pp |
$12,000pp |
From $1,000pp |
Time Needed |
5 Days |
5.5 Days |
1, 3 or 6 Day Options |
Level |
Intermediate |
Advanced – Head of Depts |
Intermediate |
Positives | ✓ Prestigious US University ✓ One of the few courses available for the public sector ✓ Intended to teach the individual, so they can ‘roll it out across the organisation’ |
✓ Good mix of academic lecturers & practitioners ✓ Data driven analytics – key learning pillar ✓ Guest speaker with real-world case studies |
✓ Delivered by Dx practitioners with tailored government case studies ✓ Course options and content tailored to the audience profile ✓ They ‘seek to understand your strategy’ ahead of course delivery |
Negatives | ✕ Learning governed by ‘Agile’ methodology which may be challenging in practice, given the sector ✕ Single lecturer – academic (not practitioner) ✕ Heavy focus on technology, with less mention of core functions that are essential for digital transformation |
✕ Acceptance to the course is not automatic (prestige marketing tactic?) ✕ Target audience highlights ‘senior civil servants/not-for-profit org., but all content language points to ‘business’ ✕ Expensive |
✕ For teams (not individuals) ✕ May lack the prestige of academic institutions |
Overall |
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Course link here | Course link here | Course link here |
Almost all digital transformation frameworks are built to help businesses find competitive advantage. Few are customised for non-commercial environments and even fewer have modern, data-powered digital transformation frameworks made specifically for the public sector.
Digital Transformation Course for Consultants

There’s been an explosion of digital transformation consulting opportunities in recent months and with good reason. Few businesses hold all of the skills required under one roof to strategically reposition their business in the digital economy.
Finding customer insights from publicly accessible data, workforce design, digital upskilling, data-enriched strategy, understanding emerging technology and building innovation roadmaps; these specialisms are rarely found under one roof.
As more businesses become aware that the IT department can only digitise a business, they ultimately seek support for their transformation from consultants.
Digital transformation consultants differ from traditional business consultants. The use of data in every aspect of helping a business to transform its products, services and business models is radically different to the old business models that have powered winning companies in the past.
Digital Transformation Courses for Consultants |
MIT | Ionology | |
Course Name |
Digital Transformation: From AI & IOT to Cloud, Blockchain & Cybersecurity |
Executive Development Programme in Digital Transformation Strategies |
Digital Transformation Course for Consultants |
Cost |
$2,300pp |
$2,200pp |
$3,500pp |
Time Needed |
6 weeks 4-6 hours p/week |
8 Month Programme. 3 Hours p/week |
5 Full Days |
Level |
Intermediate |
Basic |
Advanced |
Positives | ✓ Good technology based course taking in all 5 transformative technologies and how they impact businesses ✓ Starts with the fundamentals of the 5 technologies, through to their business application ✓ Some interactive sessions, targeted to a varied group |
✓ Good mix of the fundamentals of digital transformation ✓ Mix of academic and practical modules ✓ Good mix of faculty with a strong strategy background |
✓ Built specifically for consultants ✓ Instructor led, delivered live by seasoned consultants ✓ Uses data-driven digital transformation frameworks ✓ Frameworks licensed to use IP on completion of course |
Negatives | ✕ Not specifically built for consultants ✕ One would question why a digital consultant would need to know much more about these technologies ✕ No mention of frameworks or tools a consultant could use post-completion of the course |
✕ Not specifically built for consultants ✕ As much of the key concepts are pitched at a basic level, one would question the ability to implement organisational change without further study/experience ✕ No data driven insights tools mentioned ✕ Doesn’t link the commercial opportunity with the consulting opportunity |
✕ Requires a level of consulting experience ✕ Covers Machine Learning but not deep on other emerging technologies ✕ One of the more expensive courses on offer ✕ Requires dedicated effort/practice post-completion |
Overall |
Course link here | Course link here | Course link here |
Whilst the MIT & Eruditis courses are listed, we felt they added to this target group (consultants) as an ‘afterthought’. We struggled to find specific digital transformation courses that are designed to help consultants become ‘Digital Transformation Consultants’. The process is twofold. One, the consultant must learn the theory of digital transformation, but this is no use on its own. As a consultant, they must take this theory and bring it to life for the client – to consult using digital transformation (whole different ball game to just reading the book!). The Ionology course for consultants takes the theory, but supercharges it. They show the consultant how to pitch, consult and implement digital transformation using Ionology tried and tested methods. Consultants are taught how to use the Ionology framework. Once certified, they can use this methodology and blueprint for success with their clients.
Digital Transformation Course for Technologists

Technology permeates every aspect of our society: communication, logistics and supply chains, medicine, transportation, farming, and manufacturing. Cryptocurrencies are disrupting banking systems. Hyperconnectivity—through communication systems, sensors, wearables, and smart devices—has blurred the boundary between the physical and digital worlds.
There is an ample selection of courses that cover emerging technologies as well as technology specific niches. The courses tend to be hands on, project based and outcome oriented.
The technology courses are aimed at technology professionals and require some level of prior knowledge.
The technology industry often claims that technology is transforming the world. It’s certainly a critical component but technology isn’t the only component. As the 7 Most Critical Topics in Digital Transformation show, technology alone will not create a transformed organisation. It is, however, unique in the depth of knowledge required to effectively make it an enabling force on the transforming journey.
Digital Transformation Course for Technologists |
Imperial College Business School (Sold by Emeritus) | Indian School of Business (Sold by Coursera) |
Course Name |
Digital Transformation: 5 Game Changing Technologies for Business |
Digital Transformation Training for Tech Leaders |
Digital Transformations |
Cost |
$1,800pp |
1 Month Free/$40pp p/month thereafter |
Free for 7 days/$51pp thereafter |
Time Needed |
9 Week Programme (4-6 hrs p/week) |
22 Hours (16 Courses for Certificate) |
21 Hours |
Level | Basic |
Basic |
Intermediate |
Positives | ✓ Appreciation for more than the ‘academic’ claiming you will ‘finish the programme prepared to implement what you’ve learned’ ✓ A cost effective course to tick the ‘technology box’. ✓ Blended learning with 1-2-1 support available |
✓ ‘Fashionable’ tech focus – Blockchain ✓ Recognised brand ✓ Complement to digital transformation courses for ‘Leaders’ & ‘in Practice’ as part of LinkedIn Learning Pathway |
✓ Links the tech and business throughout the modules ✓ Scores a 4.85/5 from those who’ve attended ✓ Takes into account Dx isn’t just the tech and offers a nod to business models, innovation and data-driven decision making |
Negatives | ✕ Promises of developing a ‘real-world framework to drive Dx in your organisations’…HEALTH WARNING!…Dx cannot be built on a Tech strategy alone. | ✕ Pre-recorded, dated content all from 2017 or 2019 ✕ ‘Taster’ videos, approx. 1 hour in length will not drive transformation ✕ Target audience is for ‘Tech Leaders’, one would assume the content too basic for this target group |
✕ Marketed as ‘beginner level’, so further training is most likely necessary for those who want a true grasp of delivering Dx ✕ Pre-recorded, no interaction/feedback available ✕ Recognised brand, but not ‘Ivy League’ |
Overall |
Course link here | Course link here | Course link here |
In terms of fulfilling the needs of the audience, this was one of the more fruitful offerings. Individually, courses offered blended options, a solid practical undertone and addressed the (essential) link of tech and business, but again we couldn’t find the ‘golden egg’ when it came to hitting all of these markers in one course. The research also highlighted that big brands don’t always indicate gold standard, showing once more – thorough research is essential when choosing your provider (good job we’re here to help!).
Digital Transformation Program for Small & Medium Enterprises

Post Covid, many national and regional government Enterprise Development Organisations are implementing radical programs to help small and medium businesses to digitally transform.
Most businesses of this size have got stuck. They were promised that the introduction of technology would make them more efficient. That technology alone would make them more competitive. They invested and have failed to capture additional marketshare or see a return on capital beyond their investment. Quite often the technology has led to more complexity and cost within the business, not less.
The response of the Industrial Development Agency is to help their client companies transform their products, services and business models. They want their client companies to use data to find new export markets. To find that white space of opportunity and to be able to move swiftly into it. No time for long winded documents – it’s hit and move. Fast, agile, efficient and practical.